ssh 出現 error in libcrypto Connection closed 錯誤訊息

 最近公司的產品OS更換到Alma Linux,因此安裝了一台全新的Alma Linux機器,然後接下來要使用scp去別的主機搬移檔案的時候出現了下面的錯誤訊息 The authenticity of host '10.*.*.68 (10.*.*.68)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:RKJMaNXf4Fw5I2rjsdiLr17MQn1LTyMurlb6hV2qo18. This key is not known by any other names Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes Warning: Permanently added '10.*.*.68' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to 10.*.*.68 port 22: error in libcrypto Connection closed 解決方法是指定加密演算法 update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1

Docker , my use case


Docker is a simple , faster VM like solution for developer to build lab environment quickly , also publish product in docker image is a easy way for customer test .

Note :
All below steps and experience was based on Windows platform .

1. Installation

get the windows installer and related doc from below url link:
This installs Docker's management console program Boot2Docker.

1.1 trobule shooting

mostly the installation should be successful , but in my case still encounter some issues.
The tips you may need to take care .
1) Make sure the hardware virturalization has turn on your pc bios .
Docker vm need the VT technology to bring on their service , if VT turn off , boot2docker would not start up .
2) Make sure docker vm in virtualbox network was mapping to adapter #1.
If you have install and uninstall virtualbox few times , there will be more than one virtual interface in network ,

then after docker installed , it will using other interface  not #1 , in this case , boot2docker will got error while starting .

2. Launch operate console

Actually docker using the git console for operation .
Click the Boot2Docker icon to see the following

All docker shell command executed at below interface .

3. Start up and tutorial

The first time using docker , you can reference below starter guide .

And also below doc has clearly showing how to use docker .

4. My use case

I will show you how I start a empty centos 6.6 image then build a cherrypy test environment .

4.1 Pull a clean image from official site

docker hub has shared multiple linux OS , on
and the pull command as : (a os name centos , and the tag is 6.6 , searched on docker hub.)
# docker pull <name>:<tag> docker pull centos:6.6
check the image has save .
docker images

4.2 Mount host directory and into interactive mode to image OS

There are few ways to put your file into docker image OS , the direct way is to mount host directory then point to container path .
as below command .
#ex: mounting host director c:\temp to container's /home/mount . #below command will run into centos container with interactive mode and mount host directory to container pointing path. 
docker run -v //c/temp:/home/mount:rw -it centos:6.6 bash
note: It's been observed that c:/temp could not be mounted in some cases. If it happens, try mounting C:/Users/. For example:
docker run -v //c/Users/Well:/home/mount:rw -it centos:6.6 bash
Successful launching turns your Docker Management Console into a bash shell of the centos container you just started.
When into the interactive mode in centos container , you can use shell command in container .
For example ls /home/mount to see mounted files.

in my case , I install below applications . 

yum -y install gcc 
yum -y install vim 
 # install the cherrypy from mount path 
cp /home/mount/cherrypy-3.7.tar.gz /tmp 
tar -zxvpf cherrypy-3.7.tar.gz 
cd cherrypy-3.7 ./ install

4.3 Commit the last modified container to image

Like git , every time you run the image to do some progress, docker will create a container to save the status , but not commit to the image ,
this means the next time you run the image or save the image , the last status does not include inside it .
So you need to decide which container would committed in image , in my case , I use last one container to commit in image .
Tips : in the container interactive mode , if you just want to stop not exit the status , you can input CRLT + p , CRLT + q ,
then back to main console , input "docker ps" to see the current container id , then input "docker exec -it <container id> bash" to go back the current container interactive mode .

In my case , I stop my current container . and input following command .
#list the current container id
docker ps
#get the container id and commit to pointing image name
docker commit <container id> centos:6.6
 #or if you want to save a new image. you can input new image name.
docker commit <container id> new_name

4.4 Publish and test the UI web service

Docker can mapping port to container , in my case , web service is 8080 port , the command as below . # parameter -d is daemon mode . docker run -d -p 8080:8080 centos:6.6 /home/ddna_api/ -D FOREGROUND And use below command to see the docker host ip address. boot2docker ip

4.5 How to save your image file .

If you want to save your working image then share to others , be sure you have commit the last container ,
and input below command .
#ex: if you want to save at c:\temp\ , named test_image.tar
docker save -o /c/temp/test_image.tar centos:6.6

5. Import the exist docker image for testing

if the image file placed at c:\temp , then open the boot2docer console , and input below command.
docker load -i /c/temp/web_service.tar
the image has loaded into docker , you can use step .4.4 to test the web service .




Linux -- shell script 取得unix timestamp 並且產出時間字串

NPM安裝套件遇到MSBUILD : error MSB3428: 無法載入 Visual C++ 元件 "VCBuild.exe"錯誤